Nuts are an essential component of any healthy diet. They are a source of vital minerals, vitamins, fiber, essential oils and other substances that the body needs. Let's talk about which are the most useful nuts for men.
Its halves are compared to the hemispheres of the brain, which is why they are considered the most useful for those who want to strengthen their memory, speed up thinking, etc.
But these are not all the properties that walnuts have. Some of them are not so widely known, for example, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, blood cholesterol levels and even blood pressure. Gives energy and strengthens bone tissue, copes with thyroid gland diseases. It is a source of protein, fiber, vitamin E, potassium and antioxidants.
For men, it is simply indispensable, as it prevents the occurrence of prostatitis and adenoma. Improves sperm quality and sperm activity. It also helps increase testosterone. It is a hormone that, in simple terms, is responsible for masculinity.
That is, it participates in the process of gaining muscle mass, distributes fat in the body so that it does not accumulate in the abdomen or chest area. It improves blood circulation, due to which an erection becomes possible and causes sexual desire.
It is a colossal source of the antioxidant selenium, to which some of the representatives of the strong half of humanity owe the absence of cancer and other problems with the prostate. Effective for low sperm activity. It is also used to prevent AIDS and asthma.
Rich in phytosterols necessary for heart health, immunity, vitamin E, fiber, omega-3 and omega-6. It also contains the amino acid arginine, which is also considered an effective medicine. The body cannot produce enough arginine, so it is very important to include it in your diet.
Without chemicals, any harmful substances and side effects, it is very easy to strengthen male power by eating only 3 nuts a day. Only not more, since an excess produces the completely opposite effect.
Cashews have always been considered an aphrodisiac, and in principle this is so, since the trace elements contained in them improve the quality of sperm and the libido itself. But this is not its only positive property. It is able to increase fertility, that is, it has a beneficial effect on reproductive function.
It stimulates brain activity, which is very important for men who want to reach a certain social level. Testosterone gives energy for achievements and aggressive actions, which are inevitable in competition, rivalry and defending your opinion or loved ones.
It protects heart vessels from cholesterol, which is why the risk of heart attack is significantly reduced. And it "gets younger" with age, appearing even in 20-year-old boys. Cholesterol is also dangerous because it interferes with sports, and the development of strength and endurance is extremely necessary for most men.
Almonds top our ranking today in terms of their properties. It is simply a storehouse of minerals and vitamins. It contains a high concentration of calcium, potassium, magnesium, arginine and other vital substances.
Therefore, by eating almonds even several times a week, you will increase your libido and gradually restore your weight, since it allows you to lose extra pounds due to the fact that it contains a lot of protein and at the same time little saturated fat.
And this, by the way, will play an important role in your sex life. Scientists in China have come to the conclusion that a large belly sometimes affects the sensations during intercourse, and not at all for the better.
In addition, thanks to almonds, you will strengthen your cardiovascular system and become more durable. Protect your body from free radicals, stress and even deal with insomnia.
Pecan is not particularly known to a wide range of people, but its healing properties are invaluable. It is quite caloric, 100 grams contain almost 700 kilocalories. But if you don't abuse it, just imagine how much energy you can get in one breakfast.
It is a leader in the amount of antioxidants in its composition. These include zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, lutein and ellagic acid. Thanks to them, you can not be afraid of prostate cancer and heart problems. Even if cancer cells have already formed, gamma-tocopherol will simply destroy them, leaving healthy ones intact.
Pistachio nuts
Due to daily stress, men put their health at risk by drinking alcohol or nicotine. These bad habits affect not only the work of the heart, but also the erection. Pistachio is effective in the fight against impotence, heart and vascular diseases.
But you should choose not salty ones, which are often bought as a snack for beer, but without any taste impurities. Just pure product. They stimulate the active production of testosterone, improve sperm quality, which increases fertility. Like other nuts, they are rich in arginine, fatty acids, trace elements and other useful substances.
Pine nuts
It ensures the proper functioning of the reproductive system thanks to arginine, vitamin E, Omega-3, Omega-6, tocopherol and vitamin B (phosphorus, boron, copper).
If problems with potency occur due to the negative effects of stress on the body or due to chronic fatigue, then cedar will be useful. It helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Accordingly, a person becomes calmer and does not react violently to the slightest irritant, quite calmly perceives the difficulties that arise.
It contains a lot of zinc, which ensures the production of sex hormones and healthy male cells. The iodine found in the kernels ensures the functioning of the thyroid gland by filling the deficiency. Cedar also helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, removes cholesterol and lowers blood pressure.
Known for its high content of protein, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, protein, cyamine, cobalt and niacin. This allows you to relax your arteries and clear them of cholesterol. It improves blood flow, increases testosterone levels and has a positive effect on sperm activity. And all this, as you yourself understand, plays an important role in ensuring a full and quality sex life of a man.
It is useful for enlarged prostate, and in general, hazelnuts are an indispensable part of the diet of the representatives of the strong half of humanity, especially those who are of mature age.
How to use?
You have to be careful not to overdo it with nuts, as they are quite high in calories. Basically, like any other product. A lot is not always good.
Approximately 100 grams of product contains 500 kilocalories. It is reassuring that due to the large amount of fiber, only 40% is absorbed. The remaining 50-60% goes to digestion itself.
Ideally, eat about 20 grams of different types per day. It is recommended in the first half of the day, so as not to strain the digestive system before sleep. Although, if you expect a "non-boring night", then they will certainly not be superfluous, giving not only energy, but also improving erection by increasing blood flow to the genitals.
- Use nuts as snacks. It is especially useful if you replace cookies, candies and other sweets with them. They are also suitable as a substitute for meat, if for some reason it is worth limiting its consumption. You can mix it with dried fruits or cereals, then you get not only a tasty, but also a very nutritious breakfast.
- Those who are prone to frequent headaches should be careful, as the tyramine contained in nuts can cause them to occur.
- You can make blocks that are easy to take with you to work, to the gym, to use while exercising and to help build muscle mass. You should take a mixture of nuts or choose your favorite, crush them and mix them with honey. Then, after wetting your hands with cold water, roll the resulting mass into sticks or balls as you wish. When they are slightly dry, wrap them in foil or stretch film.
- It is added to salads, both vegetable and fruit.
- Mixing any kind of nuts with sour cream is recommended to combat erectile dysfunction. And only to improve erection. The effect will be long-lasting and stable, that is, without interruption, if you use this mixture daily. One portion is approximately 10 pieces and a small amount of sour cream. This mixture is quite nutritious, so you should not increase its amount, otherwise you will start gaining weight.
- It is recommended that almonds be consumed about 20 minutes before a meal in order to absorb them better.
- Note that if you really crave seeds, peanuts, almonds, etc. , it means you need antioxidants or zinc due to severe stress. Even scientists have noticed a love for different cores directly among the inhabitants of megacities. The fast pace of life, competition and a huge number of daily problems lead to nervous breakdowns. With which pistachios, cedar and cashew help to cope.